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Webber3000's AntiRecords

Profile | Ranks (11) | Records | Awards | New Stats (12-31-10) | AntiRecords | Guides | Videos | Forum Profile

These are stats that, frankly, could use some help.

Game Level Order Desc Category Division Stat Players Date
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Biolizard Boss Last 3:54:17 93 01-25-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Shadow 2 Boss Hero 1:18:70 110 01-25-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Eggman 2 Boss Hero 0:26:47 116 01-25-10
Sonic Colors Wii Terminal Velocity Boss Boss Sonic 4:05:65 56 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Terminal Velocity 1 Time Sonic 5:33:14 53 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Golem Boss Hero 1:53:37 117 01-25-10
Sonic Colors Wii Terminal Velocity 1 Score Sonic 54,200 28 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster Boss Boss Sonic 6:30:95 52 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 6 Time Sonic 3:56:85 46 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 6 Score Sonic 1,459,300 32 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 5 Time Sonic 1:44:96 49 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 5 Score Sonic 493,480 30 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 4 Score Sonic 490,000 32 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Asteroid Coaster 3 Score Sonic 258,100 31 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park Boss Boss Sonic 4:35:02 46 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 6 Time Sonic 6:15:89 52 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 6 Score Sonic 956,830 30 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 5 Rings Sonic 192 21 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) 3 Lap Race Standard 2:38:46 87 01-23-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 4 Time Sonic 7:00:01 50 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 4 Score Sonic 997,940 30 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 3 Score Sonic 685,900 30 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cannon's Core Time Mission 3 6:21:00 123 01-19-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 2 Time Sonic 1:45:73 57 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 2 Score Sonic 182,500 34 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 1 Score Sonic 1,245,570 30 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Aquarium Park 1 Time Sonic 4:06:75 54 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cosmic Wall Time Mission 5 8:43:99 127 01-23-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Cosmic Wall Time Mission 2 1:29:79 144 01-23-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp Boss Boss Sonic 1:13:69 49 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) Icecap Subgame Score Sonic 6,110 94 02-27-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 4 Score Sonic 404,510 34 12-31-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Special Stage 7 Special Sonic 0:29:49 21 11-06-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 3 Time Sonic 3:19:68 51 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 3 Score Sonic 509,070 34 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 2 Score Sonic 690,960 33 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Weapons Bed Rings Mission 5 2 90 01-19-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Special Stage 5 Score Sonic 10,100 22 11-06-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Special Stage 5 Special Sonic 0:00:25 21 11-06-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 1 Score Sonic 875,100 37 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Planet Wisp 1 Time Sonic 5:21:87 54 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival Boss Boss Sonic 5:01:94 56 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Time Mission 5 3:40:97 128 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Score Mission 5 14,280 83 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Egg Quarters Rings Mission 4 6 58 01-19-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 5 Score Sonic 1,528,740 32 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Death Egg Time Sonic 3:35 111 02-21-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Special Stage 1 Score Sonic 14,200 32 11-06-10
Sonic 2 Wing Fortress Time Sonic 5:50 84 02-21-10
Sonic 4: Episode I E.G.G. Station Zone Score Sonic 1,900 21 11-06-10
Sonic 2 (GG) Scrambled Egg 3 Score Sonic 17,000 8 03-01-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 3 Time Sonic 2:48:94 59 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 3 Score Sonic 509,100 38 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Sky Chase Rings Sonic 20 61 02-21-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 4 Boss Knuckles 1:53:71 96 02-28-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Mad Gear Boss Score Sonic 5,000 23 11-06-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 2 Time Sonic 2:02:53 55 12-31-10
Sonic 2 (GG) Scrambled Egg 2 Rings Sonic 22 17 03-01-10
Sonic 2 (GG) Scrambled Egg 2 Score Sonic 11,000 13 03-01-10
Sonic Colors Wii Starlight Carnival 1 Score Sonic 1,022,300 33 12-31-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Crazy Gadget Rings Mission 4 57 72 01-19-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Mad Gear 2 Score Super Sonic 56,500 13 11-06-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Dark Gaia Boss Bosses 10'14"604 51 03-20-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) Chaos 0 Boss Sonic 0:30:08 132 03-20-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain Boss Boss Sonic 2:21:56 55 12-31-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Mad Gear 1 Score Super Sonic 19,900 15 11-06-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Mad Gear 1 Time Super Sonic 2:09:87 21 11-07-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Last Chapter Boss Boss 3:19:51 27 01-30-10
Sonic 2 Oil Ocean 2 Time Sonic 3:02 93 02-21-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 1 Lap Race Gamma 0:45:00 64 02-28-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Eternal Engine Rings Mission 4 1 61 01-23-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 1 Lap Race Tails 0:41:05 68 02-28-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Erazor Djinn Boss Boss 2:49:20 27 01-30-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Egg Lancer Boss Bosses 3'04"310 52 03-20-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 1 Lap Race Sonic 0:36:10 72 02-28-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 3 Lap Race Amy 3:04:85 100 02-28-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Death Chamber Time Mission 2 2:27:07 141 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure (DX) 3 Lap Race Tails 2:09:80 99 02-28-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Dark Guardian Boss Bosses 2'31"670 56 03-20-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain 4 Score Sonic 876,340 38 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 2 Rings Sonic 1 50 02-21-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain 3 Time Sonic 2:21:73 59 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Mystic Cave 1 Time Sonic 1:38 114 02-21-10
Sonic 1 (GG) Labyrinth 2 Time Sonic 1:27 27 02-28-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Score Mission 5 15,170 94 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Rings Mission 5 14 93 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Rings Mission 4 7 70 01-19-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Hidden Base Time Mission 2 3:06:44 149 01-24-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain 2 Score Sonic 766,730 38 12-31-10
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Rampart Road Race 3 Lap 3'13"708 14 04-10-10
Sonic 2 Hill Top 1 Time Sonic 1:31 121 02-21-10
Sonic Colors Wii Sweet Mountain 1 Score Sonic 947,350 38 12-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Time Mission 12 1:35:96 16 02-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Score Mission 11 251 15 02-13-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Time Mission 10 1:51:36 18 01-30-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 10 6 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 9 13 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 7 18 9 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 6 22 11 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Ring Chain Mission 5 21 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Score Mission 4 120 16 02-01-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Aquatic Mine Rings Mission 4 5 72 01-19-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Night Palace Time Mission 4 0:54:21 17 02-01-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Casino Street 3 Score Sonic 3,730 22 11-06-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort Boss Boss Sonic 1:06:33 66 12-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 11 14 9 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 10 5 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 9 13 9 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Time Night 5 15'08"199 43 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Time Night 3 5'50"769 44 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Time Night 1 10'22"069 45 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Time Mission 4 1:19:91 19 01-31-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Casino Street 2 Score Super Sonic 22,370 15 11-06-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Score Mission 3 535 17 01-30-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Skeleton Dome Ring Chain Mission 3 18 10 02-14-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 6 Score Sonic 311,900 43 12-31-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Eggmanland Time Day 1 5'03"377 63 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Time Mission 12 2:10:23 19 02-02-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 10 18 9 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 8 101 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Time Mission 8 0:33:10 17 02-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 7 8 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Time Mission 6 3:36:75 18 01-30-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Time Night 2 6'07"098 51 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Time Night 1 6'40"490 51 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 2 12 11 02-14-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 5 Time Sonic 1:59:69 74 12-31-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Adabat Time Day 1 2'14"098 71 03-20-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 5 Score Sonic 966,500 43 12-31-10
Sonic 2 Aquatic Ruin 2 Rings Sonic 4 54 02-21-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Pirate Storm Ring Chain Mission 1 24 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Time Mission 12 0:44:16 21 01-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 9 20 11 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 7 2 11 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Time Night 4 10'42"231 49 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Time Night 3 8'18"433 48 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Time Night 2 7'01"052 51 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 5 36 11 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Shamar Time Night 1 9'53"143 52 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Score Mission 3 678 16 01-30-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 4 Time Sonic 0:43:46 81 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 4 Score Sonic 359,800 41 12-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Levitated Ruin Ring Chain Mission 1 15 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 12 67 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 9 6 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Score Mission 8 480 15 01-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 5 11 12 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Holoska Time Night 2 6'54"320 54 03-20-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Splash Hill 3 Score Super Sonic 65,700 17 11-06-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 3 8 9 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Evil Foundry Ring Chain Mission 2 11 12 02-14-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Splash Hill 3 Score Sonic 21,800 26 11-06-10
Sonic 2 Chemical Plant 2 Time Sonic 3:02 135 02-21-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 3 Score Sonic 640,110 41 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 3 Time Sonic 3:16:51 72 12-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 11 7 10 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 10 19 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 9 17 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Score Mission 9 996 16 02-06-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 8 0:18:08 20 02-01-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 7 0:46:83 22 01-30-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 6 0:57:65 24 01-31-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Chun-Nan Time Night 3 7'40"642 54 03-20-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 5 10 13 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Chun-Nan Time Night 1 7'53"605 56 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed 360-PS3 Windmill Isle 2 Time Day 2:23:56 143 10-09-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 2 5 11 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Time Mission 2 1:49:95 21 02-02-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 2 Time Sonic 1:35:06 81 12-31-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 2 Score Sonic 585,030 44 12-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Dinosaur Jungle Ring Chain Mission 1 34 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 11 19 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 10 49 11 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 9 61 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 8 20 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 7 10 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 6 10 14 02-14-10
Sonic Adventure 2 (B) Wild Canyon Rings Mission 5 4 128 01-19-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 5 36 14 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Spagonia Time Night 2 5'56"934 56 03-20-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Spagonia Time Night 1 7'42"108 56 03-20-10
Sonic 4: Episode I Splash Hill 1 Time Super Sonic 0:55:52 31 11-06-10
Sonic Colors Wii Tropical Resort 1 Time Sonic 1:38:79 86 12-31-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Sand Oasis Ring Chain Mission 1 30 13 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Ring Chain Mission 21 18 12 02-14-10
Sonic and the Secret Rings Lost Prologue Ring Chain Mission 20 33 11 02-14-10
Sonic Unleashed Wii-PS2 Apotos Time Night 1 3'52"153 65 03-20-10

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Player ID: 3151
Hits: 4,088 | Hits This Month: 67 | DB Calls: 19 | Mem Usage: 953.66 KB | Time: 0.09s | Printable

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